Who We Are
We are a unique community organization providing life changing programmes for children and adolescents.
Based in Spanish Town, Jamaica, Children First is Jamaica’s largest programme of this type, offering social, educational and training programmes for youngsters in the 10-24 age group while empowering their parents and guardians to overcome poverty and enhance daily life through successful skills training and small business projects.
Children First has been recognized at home and abroad for its creative, participatory approach, which ensures its young clients full involvement including decision-making at the Board of Directors level.
Our Mission
The Mission of Children First is to work with street, working and vulnerable children, to improve their life opportunities and enable their contribution to society, through active engagement with children and young people, their families, communities and institutions which affect their lives.
Our Vision
A Jamaica in which children are active participants in a country which respects, protects, and fulfils their rights to develop to their full potential, free from abuse and neglect.
Funded & Supported by:

Our Programs & Projects
USD $25,000!
In commemorating our 25th Anniversary, we undertaking a #25for25 fundraiser.
We are asking CFA Supporters and well-wishers to share the campaign with 25 of your friends and family to contribute USD 25$ or $250 or $2500.
The aim of the fundraiser is to support our programmes and initiatives for Jamaica's most vulnerable.
Be sure to leave your best wishes when you contribute - "Happy 25th CFA - From John Brown'